Thursday, January 24, 2013

Written Exam

On Monday, 1/21/2013 I passed my written exam. Very happy to say the least. Lots of stuff I studied was not on the test. All I could say is WOW!!! But I passed that's all that matters. No more theory.

I did not get a chance to do the entire textbook. Hmmmm

Wednesday, January 16, 2013

Study Study Study

Reviewing as much as possible. I've scheduled my written test. Wish me to remember and no forgetting.

Saturday, January 5, 2013


I did my first Reconstruct today. I will never complain about doing a perm again. The Reconstruct chemical took my breath once the instructor opened the jar. It REALLY stinks!! After applying this & getting sick; rinse and roll with perm rods. This process is long and draw out. But nevertheless it looked very nice after I completed the process. If I can help it I will only do the required amount left to graduate on my mannequin! Double yuck.

Crossing fingers no more of these.

Thursday, January 3, 2013

Ms Square

I'm sad to see her go. She has been very helpful in instructing, haircut checking & general motivation. Thanks.

Tuesday, January 1, 2013


 Finally purchased the Epilation System, from Sally's Beauty
Supply, on sale. It came with the DVD, muslin cloths, honey wax and liner ring for wax machine.  I watched the DVD, it gives instructions of how to proper go through each of the services that you might want to offer your clients; along with pricing. The detail was very good, more detail than what's in the textbook.(Facial & Body procedures) 

If you are thinking of getting this machine or either want to catch the system on sale it's a good value.

You will need to get some wooden sticks.  I did see a bar that goes across the machine on the inside of the chamber for the wax on the DVD. It seems like a good idea in order to keep the wax removal neat. I'm thinking on making one of my own. I do notice that at school its annoying to have the wax trailers all over. This way I can neatly wipe off my wooden stick and move on. :)